Sebastian S.
Cloud Solutions Architect – Redeploy BuildSebastian is a Cloud Solutions Architect with a focus on Azure and Automation.
He has over 12 years of experience in IT and seven years as a Cloud Consultant. Although he comes from an Infrastructure background, he understands most common programming languages well. In addition, Sebastian is a technology enthusiast as much at work as in his spare time.
He joined Redeploy as an architect, bringing some great experience within Azure, particularly Azure Automation.
Main techs: Azure, AzureAD, PowerShell, Python, Automation, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Terraform, and Bicep/Arm.
- Sebastian LOVES Guinness
- Doesn't like cheap tech and/or power tools
- And he is both a beekeeper (save the bees!) and a sucker for home automation (hey Google, clean the coffee machine).